
Your first visit to Roger G Pollock, MD establishes a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to obtain important background information, like your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor . To understand what to expect for your first visit to our practice, please read through this page. You'll find all the practical information you need, such as a map and directions to our office(s), practice hours , payment policies and more. There's background information about our first visit procedures.

Mission Statement

Three words summarize what makes this practice different from most practices treating shoulder problems in New Jersey: training, experience and focus. I was extremely fortunate to have outstanding shoulder surgeons as my teachers during my orthopaedic residency and shoulder fellowship at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. During residency, I had the privilege of working under Dr. Charles S. Neer, II, who is universally acknowledged as the father of modern shoulder surgery. Upon his retirement, I was fortunate to complete my fellowship in shoulder surgery under his successors, Dr. Louis Bigliani and Dr. Evan Flatow, whose clinical and academic excellence placed our shoulder service among the best in the world. I also had an opportunity to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship in shoulder biomechanics, allowing me to learn about shoulder ligaments and the mechanism of shoulder instability. This focused shoulder training provided exposure to a high volume of complex shoulder disorders, many surgical techniques and fundamental concepts about the underlying mechanisms of shoulder disease.

During my career in practice, I have examined tens of thousands of shoulders and have performed thousands of shoulder surgeries. These have included arthroscopic procedures, arthroscopically assisted procedures and traditional open repairs and reconstructions. These procedures include subacromial decompression for impingement, rotator cuff repair, labral debridement and repair, repair of shoulder instability , open reduction and fixation of fractures of the shoulder and clavicle, and prosthetic shoulder replacement for arthritic shoulders and certain complex shoulder fractures. I have also had extensive experience in treating adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) and calcific tendinitis, as well as neurological conditions affecting the shoulder.

Patients who come to this practice will be treated for their shoulder problem by a fellowship-trained shoulder surgeon with over twenty-five years of experience focused exclusively on shoulder disorders. I have chosen to limit my practice to shoulder problems to achieve an expertise in this area that benefits my patients. All of my clinical work and academic writings have revolved around the shoulder. I have lectured locally, nationally and internationally on diverse topics involving the shoulder. All of my operative cases have consisted of surgical procedures on the shoulder, including several hundred prosthetic shoulder replacements. This sort of experience generally results in better treatment outcomes than is often seen in practices where the surgeons have less expertise in treating shoulder problems. Finally, patients seen in this practice will be treated exclusively by me and not by junior associates or paraprofessionals. Patients coming for my expertise will be interviewed, examined, operated on (if surgery is appropriate and necessary) and followed to the conclusion of treatment by me. If patients seek the medical attention of an expert, they should receive their diagnosis and treatment from that expert, and in this practice that is always true

What to expect

Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure that the doctor has all of the needed information to provide the best possible care for you. It also will help relieve any unnecessary anxiety you may be feeling. Educate yourself on your symptoms by reviewing the content on this Web site. Also, take some time to review our staff page and familarize yourself with the doctors. We look forward to your first visit.
